Beauty Bulletin

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4.8 21 0.5
Protection, SPF Creams October 10, 2014 960
Say no to the BURN!!!! With Tropitone After sun
Overall rating
Say no to the BURN!!!! With Tropitone After sun

This is definitely one of my must have and need products for summer to help with the easing of any sunburn, I mean who likes having sunburn it’s not fun or pretty at all.

Overall Tropitone by far makes one of the best after sun gels/treatments; with so many I’ve tried before it has worked the best and fastest.

The effects of Tropitone after sun, because it contains a cooling gel, so it works immediately soothes the burning sensation caused by sunburn which can really be painfully depending on the extent of your sunburn. It is also enriched with Monoi Tahitian Coconut Oil, which moisturizes to help reverse sun damage and keep skin healthy and supple.

Usage and Application:
As with any sunburn it is best to treatment as soon as you can so you reduce the risk of geting any peeling which is something you don’t want. So I would spray on the direct areas affected and rub gentle as sunburn does hurt a bit when it’s fresh, it is a non-greasy anti-oxidant formula which cools and soothes skin reduces stinging and redness.

Can be found at Clicks, Dischem, Pick n Pay and Pharmacy’s on various online stores.

Retailing at: R56 (on special)

Must have in your beach bag this summer, so don’t forget ladies be prepared.And always remember to apply a sunblock with a high SPF of at least 30.

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