Beauty Bulletin

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4.8 21 0.5
Protection, SPF Creams October 10, 2014 965
Tropitone sun godess
Overall rating
I have been using tropitone since when I was a little girl going to the beach with my sister and mom to build sand castles. Sun protection was a must for my parents and they always taught us to use a good sun screen before going on the sun as well as reapply.

Tropitone is very affordable and easy to spread over the skin. Doesn't leave sking greasy, but moist instead.

I love all their range and use the "Tropitone Move it" sunscreen with SPF 30. I love how my colour changes to a gradual tan and doesn't leave me orange,cause the "Oros" look is really not attractive!

I am a Fan of their "Tan it Tan oil spray" which has a nice scent and does a great job to give the "sun godess look". Summer asks for tan and tanning is better with Trpitone! Also a tan skin makes you look slimmer and hides imperfections such as celullite.

They also have a "Sunless" range which auto tans without needing to be on the sun to get the beautiful tan look.

I am looking forward to have my Tropitone kit for this summer!Cheers to the long days at the beach with the girlfirends, cheers to the strawberry daquiris and sipping cocktails and fun!

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