This is a long lasting affordable fragrance in a lovely bottle! If buying the elegant column bottle and not the bulk Christmas special bottle where all fragrances come in an identical non description bottle! My problem with it is the Christmas sales which have the sets with deodorant and lotion as well as fragrance all in one making this then a fairly common fragrance worn by everyone! And since I am discerning with fragrances and appreciate the uniqueness and individuality of a scent albeit that this makes a good day to day fragrance because of its warm rich notes it's just not for me
Gostaria muito de receber uma amostra desse perfume por que eu procurava a mais de 20 for verdade encontrei minha jóia
Gostaria muito de receber uma amostra desse perfume por que eu procurava a mais de 20 for verdade encontrei minha jóia