
Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.8 34 0.5
Moisturizers,Day Creams, Night Creams August 18, 2019 933
#VaselineClinicalCareSA 5 day challenge - product testing
Overall rating
Firstly, it was a great honor to be granted this opportunity to test out Vaseline's new clinical care range. I did the EXTREMELY DRY SKIN RESCUE moisturizer, and I have to say that my skin enjoyed it SOOO MUCH!!!

The only critiques I have are:
1. The product does keep the skin moisturized. The exception I found is if you do extreme activities that make your skin dry then you'll probably need re-apply. But on a normal day when you are just going to work and back home, then the product does do its job.
2. I did expect a bit of color correction or skin repairment from the moisturizer, considering that one of the main ingredients is AQUA; however, that wasn't the case or at least no prominent results were shown within the 5 days. But yes, the focus is that of tackling DRY SKIN issues, so that expectation not being met was not a train smash for me.
3. One thing I did not like was how "sticky" the product feels immediately after applying it. After a few minutes the sticky feeling disappearances; however, that initial feeling is unsatisfactory to me.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed using the product. Once it has absorbed into my skin, it kept the skin moist for the entire day. My skin soaked it in very quickly compared to other moisturizers. My skin has not felt dry, cracked, or stretched since using it. My critiques are minor compared to the greater value gain I received in using the product. I 99.9% recommend it to anyone seeking a dry-skin, game-changing product that will care for the skin with utmost love.!!!!

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