Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

4.6 11 0.5
Eye Creams,Serums March 16, 2016 949
Vichy LiftActiv Serum 10 Supreme 1 month
Overall rating
After a month of using this amazing product, I don't rush to apply moisturizer to my face. Previously my face would be dry and tight, now it is so moist i sometimes forget to apply moisturizer to my face.
Also, when i use the toner, previously the cotton wool would be dirty like i didn't wash my face, a month after Vichy, the cotton is almost clean.
I had fine lines on my eyes, they are gone. I use it as eye cream most of the time, even though i have eye cream. Vichy makes my eye skin more tighter, the puffiness.....when did i last see the puffiness???? The dark circles around my eyes are lighter.
The make up last longer on my face, i don't have to re-touch it like i used to do.
Thank you Beauty Bulletin, i will definitely buy it again and again and again....

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