Beauty Bulletin

Review Detail

3.9 3 0.5
Sun Damage, Pigmentation Creams July 29, 2015 715
Overall rating
VICHY ProEVEN Advanced Daily Dark Spot Corrector with a new formula for sensitive skin claims to:
Visibly reduce the look of dark spots
Brighten skin tone
Give a more uniform complexion

I was sent this amongst other goodies by the beauts at BB and am now on my third day of using this. It Come in a 30 ml white tube that is quite soft so I managed to get it all out shape by squeezing too hard the first time I used it. The product itself is a creamy liquid and reminds me of nestle cream lol .It smells heavenly. It is to be used twice a day . It absorbs almost instantly and no trace is left of it on the skin except for the lovely scent. We are allowed to use other moisturisers over this and I do as I find I have too in order to apply foundation.

It's early days yet so I will do updates and post pics at the end of a month ,a before and after.
I do have a few spots on my face and I'm blown away at how well the ladies at BB know their insiders.

Thank you Beauty Bulletin ...again.

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