Im not a big powder kind of girl but my foundation that I really like matches my shade very well and fills in my pores beautifully is giving a very dewy look. I am a fan of dewy but not this much so I decide to try out a new powder and wanted a translucent one because as I said I like the shade of my foundation and dont want that to change.
When I tried the Yadley loose translucent powder I was so happy that I finally got my foundation to sit the way I want it to. The shade hasnt changed at all, even though the powder is a pinky kind of shade, my foundation color looks the same. It has created such a beautiful, matt appearance and it lasts all day. I do have dry skin though and if I dont put face cream on and prime the skin the powder can make my skin a little flaky, but I always prep my skin so I dont come across that problem.
I highly recommend this powder if you want a perfectly matt face. I got mine from Clicks but I did see it at Dischem as well.