Beauty Bulletin

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4.8 6 0.5
Fragrances January 27, 2014 1042
Forbidden Lace's seduction
Overall rating
I recently ran out of Body Spray and had to run to Pick n Pay to get a replacment. I normally use either Guy body sprays (please dont judge me, they smell great and last all day!) or Yardley's Black Lace as i am not really into sweet smelling Fragrances.

I decided to try out something new and give Forbidden Lace a gander cause i couldnt find Black Lace.

To start off, i must tell you guys, The packaging is ridiculously charming. Ill leave a photo below but basically it is this mashmallow/powderish Pink with a dark grey or black writing and lace trim detail around it. Really beautiful to look at.

when it comes to Smell and scent- it is a subtle sweet cinnamony scent with a little bit of musyness to it- but the blend is so perfect that the moment you smell it- you fall inLove. I cant tell you how many times people have asked me what perfume i'm wearing in the last couple of weeks.

The only downside to this body spray is that it does not last very long because its not a strong scent. So if you apply it on a windy day or when youre going to have a long day- make sure to chuck it in your bag so you can reapply later.

You can purchase this at any supermarket or pharmacy for under R35

Hope you enjoyed the read. Go try it out :)

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