This product has been a staple in my household for many years . Super affordable and gives you sleek hair with no fly aways . A little goes a long way , so a bottle will last you a long time
Bone Straight Conditioner and Blow dry lotion effectively reduces frizz and leaves your hair sleek after blow drying or even after rolling.
The trick is to not apply too much onto your hair or else it comes out really oily. It's not an easy to find product as most stores don't stock this anymore.
So if you are able to find it, I recommend that you buy it and try it.
I wont recommend these to people with fine and limp hair. I have fine hair and it came out quite oily after my blow drye.. I didn't apply a lot. which is quite mind boggling.
My hairdresser used and recommended this for my hair many years ago. At first, I loved it and could find that it protects my hair and keeps its straight but, some time later I realized that it was actually making my hair super sticky and left an unpleasant residue behind.
My hair soon became oily and not very good to look at some I stopped using it.
Growing up I used this product alot it was great because it was cheap and did the job.
Al like you need is small amount to rub in to wet hair . This assists in blow drying your hair straighter and helps keep out the frizz.
It's also a good conditioning lotion for hair and helps make hair shinier
TCB Bone Strait Conditioner & Blow Dry Lotion is reasonably priced. It is a thermally activated conditioner and blow dry lotion that is supposed to give hair more shine and manageability with each use. It is supposed to allow hair to be blown straighter and curled tighter, rolled easier and bounce higher. However, this product works well as a conditioning treatment but sucks as a blow dry lotion. When I tried using it as a blow drying lotion, it left my hair weigh down and limp. I had to wash it out. Now I only use it as a conditioning treatment.
I discovered this product ages ago and have used many bottles over the years. I usually used it as a conditioner (it's a great detangler), so would rinse it off. When my curls started to frizz, I'd put a small dollop (about a ring nail size) on my hands and apply it to my curls, giving them definition again.
As with all products, I am sure it can become heavy if you use too much of it, which I suspect is what happens when you use it for blow drying. As someone who never blow-dries their hair, I found this a perfect leave-in product.
I would recommend this product to Caucasian ladies as well as those "of colour" (sic) as it seems to work for all hair types.
It does smell slightly like eggs, but it does the job and is very cheap, so even if you don't like it, you won't be wasting a lot of money! :)
I applied this before blow drying my hair. It was horrible! It caused my hair to feel heavy and it made my hands, hairbrush & hair sticky! I had to wash my hair again. But then I somehow discovered that it works AMAZING as a conditioner! It's a little hard to rinse off, but results are soft sleeky hair. I think it's a really great detangler.